Construction & Development
We bring ideas and designs into perfect shape. One of our great strengths comes into play here: Teamwork.
Construction & Development
Our design team implements requirements and ideas in the ongoing project. In addition to modern software, we use the synergies that result from the close cooperation of all departments. Connected by a central system that keeps current and historical project and design data available and accessible at all times, our teams cover the entire product life cycle. Design, construction and manufacture are all carried out by us from a single source, if this is what our customers want. We offer holistic support that follows a clear and safe path from the initial idea to the finished product. It is always our goal to relieve the stress for our clients in such a way that at the end of one project they are ready for the next.
Design, construction and manufacture — all from a single source
- FEM calculations | FEM simulations, strength verifications, load change calculation (learn more)
- In-house development & design using HiCAD 3D CAD system
- Preparation of hazard analyses, inventories and budget assessments
- Product development support
- Advice during the concept phase
- Preparation of certifiable calculation reports
Contact persons
Stephan Schüürmann
Design & Calculation
+49 (0) 5921 / 8076 — 23