Plant Con­s­truc­tion

We imple­ment com­ple­te sys­tems based on the indi­vi­du­al spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons of our cus­to­mers. We take on com­plex tasks for a wide ran­ge of indus­tri­al sec­tors and offer con­vin­cing solutions.

Plant Con­s­truc­tion

“We use the full ran­ge of our expe­ri­ence to meet spe­ci­fic requirements.”

Our solu­ti­ons in con­vey­ing and mixing tech­no­lo­gy as well as in spe­cial machi­ne con­s­truc­tion are crea­ted accor­ding to indi­vi­du­al spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. As a part­ner to our cus­to­mers, we manu­fac­tu­re high-per­for­mance pro­ducts from a sin­gle source for use in various indus­tries such as the food indus­try, sludge dewa­te­ring, the starch indus­try and the che­mi­cal indus­try. The skills of our employees are opti­mal­ly com­ple­men­ted by our sta­te-of-the-art machi­nery. The per­so­nal know-how of expe­ri­en­ced spe­cia­lists and advan­ced tech­ni­cal equip­ment are com­bi­ned at Werk­stät­ten GmbH to form a holi­stic pro­cess. The result is relia­ble and qua­li­ty-con­scious plant con­s­truc­tion that pro­vi­des maxi­mum plan­ning security.

Plant Con­s­truc­tion

Con­vey­or Sys­tem Technology

Mixing Tech­no­lo­gy

Spe­cial machi­nes & plant engineering