Wel­co­me to Werk­stät­ten GmbH

We have spe­cia­li­sed in pro­ces­sing stain­less steel for over 50 years. A com­bi­na­ti­on of expe­ri­ence, exper­ti­se and inno­va­ti­ve thin­king enables us to gua­ran­tee con­sis­tent qua­li­ty in plant and appa­ra­tus engineering.

Con­sis­tent quality‎

As a com­pa­ny, we are as relia­ble and pro­ven as stain­less steel its­elf, which we have been suc­cessful­ly pro­ces­sing for five deca­des. Every day we pro­ve our­sel­ves in plant engi­nee­ring, appa­ra­tus engi­nee­ring and tank con­s­truc­tion by per­forming at the hig­hest level. Our cus­to­mers value us as a ver­sa­ti­le and fle­xi­ble part­ner with a deep sen­se of qua­li­ty. We attach gre­at importance to thin­king of even the smal­lest detail. 

Werk­stät­ten GmbH emer­ged in 1965 from Rawe’s locks­mith shop. Sin­ce then, our com­pa­ny has deve­lo­ped ste­adi­ly and is now part of the ver­sa­ti­le Werk­stät­ten Group. With our tra­di­ti­on as momen­tum, we are sha­ping the future bold­ly and inno­va­tively. And fami­ly cohe­si­on is an important ele­ment. Werk­stät­ten GmbH is made by peo­p­le who stand firm­ly by our philosophy. 

Alfred Mog­gert


Our pro­ducts

Plant Con­s­truc­tion

Appa­ra­tus & tank construction

Envi­ron­men­tal technology

Our ser­vices

Tech­ni­cal services

Design & Calculation

Con­s­truc­tion & Development

Qua­li­ty management


Our employees make Werk­stät­ten GmbH what it is!