

Werk­stät­ten GmbH
D‑48527 Nordhorn


Alfred Mog­gert

Pho­ne: +49 (0) 5921 / 8076–0

VAT-ID-Num­ber DE313998935

Com­mer­cial regis­ter Osna­brück HRB211924

Respon­si­ble for edi­to­ri­al content:

Alfred Mog­gert

Design, con­cept and programming

bj frei­Sign Wer­be­agen­tur GmbH
Alken­stie­ge 2
D‑48529 Nordhorn

Lia­bi­li­ty for content

As ser­vice pro­vi­der, we are respon­si­ble accor­ding to sec­tion 7 para. 1 TMG for the con­tent on the­se pages under the gene­ral law. Pur­su­ant to   sec­tions 8 to 10 TMG howe­ver, we are not obli­ga­ted to moni­tor trans­fer­red or stored infor­ma­ti­on of third par­ties or to rese­arch cir­cum­s­tances that sug­gest an ille­gal acti­vi­ty. Obli­ga­ti­ons to remo­ve or block the use of infor­ma­ti­on under gene­ral law remain unaf­fec­ted. Any lia­bi­li­ty in this respect is, howe­ver, only incur­red from the moment that know­ledge of the spe­ci­fic vio­la­ti­on of law is obtai­ned. The­se con­tents will be imme­dia­te­ly remo­ved upon dis­co­very of any cor­re­spon­ding violations.

Lia­bi­li­ty for links

Our offe­ring con­ta­ins links to exter­nal third-par­ty web­sites over who­se con­tent we have no influence. For this reason, we can­not assu­me any lia­bi­li­ty for this third-par­ty con­tent.  The rele­vant sup­pli­er or ope­ra­tor of the lin­ked web pages is always respon­si­ble for the con­tent of such pages. The lin­ked pages were inspec­ted for pos­si­ble vio­la­ti­ons of law at the time of the pla­cing of the link. Unlawful con­tents were not appa­rent at the time the links were pla­ced. Howe­ver, per­ma­nent moni­to­ring of the con­tent of the lin­ked pages is infe­a­si­ble wit­hout con­cre­te evi­dence of unlawful con­tent. Such links will be imme­dia­te­ly remo­ved upon dis­co­very of any cor­re­spon­ding violations.


The con­tents and the works crea­ted by the ope­ra­tor of the site are pro­tec­ted under copy­right law. Dupli­ca­ti­on, pro­ces­sing, dis­tri­bu­ti­on, or any form of com­mer­cia­liza­ti­on of such mate­ri­al bey­ond the scope of the copy­right law shall requi­re the pri­or writ­ten con­sent of its respec­ti­ve aut­hor or crea­tor. Copies and down­loads are only per­mit­ted for pri­va­te use, not howe­ver for com­mer­cial pur­po­se. In so far as the con­tents on this page were not crea­ted by the ope­ra­tor, third-par­ty copy­rights are respec­ted. Con­tents from third par­ties shall in par­ti­cu­lar be iden­ti­fied as such. Should you still have reason to belie­ve that a copy­right vio­la­ti­on has occur­red, we kind­ly request that you inform us.  Such con­tent will be imme­dia­te­ly remo­ved upon dis­co­very of any cor­re­spon­ding violations.