Spe­cia­list wel­ding company

Our wel­ding work crea­tes con­nec­tions. As a reco­g­nis­ed wel­ding com­pa­ny, we have been offe­ring con­vin­cing ser­vice for many years, which gives our cus­to­mers plan­ning security.

Indi­vi­du­al wel­ding work

As a qua­li­fied spe­cia­list com­pa­ny, we weld both indi­vi­du­al parts and com­ple­te assem­blies for our cus­to­mers from a wide ran­ge of indus­tri­al sec­tors. Cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments give us direc­tion. For us, pre­cis­i­on and safe­ty are more than just buz­zwords that look good on paper. All wel­ding work is car­ri­ed out in our in-house work­shops using the most modern methods and under the best con­di­ti­ons by qua­li­fied spe­cia­lists. We docu­ment weld seam qua­li­ty using non-des­truc­ti­ve test­ing methods. We can cer­tain­ly weld.

Sta­te-of-the-art pro­duc­tion facilities

Our manu­fac­tu­ring skills gua­ran­tee the rapid imple­men­ta­ti­on of stan­dard com­pon­ents and spe­cial designs. In addi­ti­on to stan­dard wel­ding pro­ces­ses, which we car­ry out part­ly auto­ma­ti­cal­ly, our ran­ge of ser­vices includes plas­ma pin­ho­le wel­ding of lon­gi­tu­di­nal seams, sub­mer­ged arc wel­ding with two sys­tems (700 amps and 1000 amps) as well as orbi­tal wel­ding of cir­cum­fe­ren­ti­al seams and tube cleanings.

We offer the opti­mum wel­ding pro­cess for every indi­vi­du­al application

We use the fol­lo­wing wel­ding methods:

  • WIG (141)
  • WIG Orbi­tal (141)
  • MAG (135)
  • MIG (131)
  • Plas­ma (151)
  • UP (121)
  • E‑Hand (111)

Hig­hest quality

Wel­ding pro­ce­du­res / wel­ding work are qua­li­fied via pro­ce­du­re qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on and wel­ding ins­truc­tion accor­ding to:

  • AD 2000-HP2/1
  • ASME Sec. IX
  • DIN EN ISO 15614 ( DIN EN 288 )

Wel­ding accor­ding to certification

Wel­ding work is car­ri­ed out by cer­ti­fied wel­ders with test cer­ti­fi­ca­tes accor­ding to:

  • DIN EN 9606
  • DIN EN 287–1
  • DIN 14732 (Bedie­ner­be­schei­ni­gung)
  • ASME Sec. IX
  • AD 2000-HP3

Cont­act persons

Rainer Faste

Rai­ner Faste

Ope­ra­ti­ons Management

+49 (0) 5921 / 8076 — 51

Holger Wolf

Hol­ger Wolf

Work­shop Management

+49 (0) 5921 / 8076 — 52