Spe­cial machi­nes & plant engineering

Design, con­s­truc­tion and manu­fac­tu­re from a sin­gle source. The opti­mal ful­film­ent of indi­vi­du­al wis­hes is our standard.

Indi­vi­du­al spe­cial machi­ne and plant construction

We have been pro­ving our­sel­ves in spe­cial machi­ne and plant con­s­truc­tion for many years. In all that time, we have had con­s­truc­ti­ve exch­an­ges with a wide varie­ty of cli­ents, mas­te­red com­pli­ca­ted pro­ce­du­res and suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted many pro­jects. This vast expe­ri­ence has given us the cer­tain­ty that we are always able to find tail­or-made solu­ti­ons. Werk­stät­ten GmbH offers com­ple­te sys­tem solu­ti­ons from a sin­gle source, both for new deve­lo­p­ments and for opti­mi­sing exis­ting machi­nes and sys­tems. Our spec­trum includes the mecha­ni­cal pro­ces­sing of indi­vi­du­al and series parts, pro­fes­sio­nal wel­ding, com­ple­te assem­bly of sub­as­sem­blies, deve­lo­p­ment and design as well as the manu­fac­tu­re of spe­cial machines.

Our advan­ta­ges

  • FEM cal­cu­la­ti­ons | FEM simu­la­ti­ons, strength veri­fi­ca­ti­ons, load chan­ge cal­cu­la­ti­on (learn more)
  • In-house deve­lo­p­ment & design using HiCAD 3D CAD system
  • Pre­pa­ra­ti­on of hazard ana­ly­ses, invent­ories and bud­get assessments
  • High­ly qua­li­fied employees
  • Modern pro­duc­tion facilities
  • Expert in-house accep­tance by our spe­cia­list wel­ding engineers
  • Cer­ti­fied qua­li­ty (learn more)


Assem­bly & Commissioning


An inte­gral part of the lar­ge work­shop team are expe­ri­en­ced and skil­led employees who car­ry out the assem­bly of pro­ducts manu­fac­tu­red by us as well as third-par­ty pro­ducts. We put ever­y­thing tog­e­ther that belongs together.

Repair & Maintenance


We offer our cus­to­mers world­wi­de fast main­ten­an­ce and repair when requi­red. As an expe­ri­en­ced com­pa­ny with tech­ni­cal­ly skil­led employees, we sol­ve pro­blems relia­bly, com­pe­tent­ly and at fair mar­ket prices.

Cont­act person

Andreas Hubelitz

Andre­as Hubelitz

Sales Plant Construction

+49 (0) 5921 / 8076 — 84