Rota­ry kiln

Low-main­ten­an­ce and relia­ble in ope­ra­ti­on, rota­ry kiln tech­no­lo­gy enables envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly ener­gy gene­ra­ti­on. The poten­ti­al of this con­cept deser­ves to be ful­ly exploited.

Decen­tra­li­sed ener­gy concepts

Agri­cul­tu­re, indus­try and muni­ci­pa­li­ties are facing incre­asing pres­su­re to recy­cle by-pro­ducts and was­te effi­ci­ent­ly. We see oppor­tu­ni­ties abo­ve all in the high poli­ti­cal and social expec­ta­ti­ons. Decen­tra­li­sed recy­cling con­cepts are incre­asing­ly coming to the fore and offer noti­ceable reli­ef. In order to be able to uti­li­se mate­ri­al flows such as lea­ves, fer­men­ta­ti­on resi­dues, seed stock or sewa­ge sludge inde­pendent­ly and in a future-pro­of man­ner, Werk­stät­ten hea­ting-sys­tems GmbH has deve­lo­ped holi­stic ther­mal con­cepts with rota­ry kilns. Under the umbrel­la of the Werk­stät­ten Group, Werk­stät­ten GmbH and Werk­stät­ten hea­ting Sys­tems GmbH par­ti­ci­pa­te in the com­bi­ned expe­ri­ence and exper­ti­se. For our cus­to­mers in the ther­mal recy­cling sec­tor, this means maxi­mum effi­ci­en­cy and reliability.

Rota­ry kilns at a glance:

  • Modu­lar design and con­tai­ner solu­ti­on offer fle­xi­bi­li­ty in terms of location
  • Fle­xi­ble PLC con­trol for regu­la­ting the boi­ler and inte­gra­ting upstream and down­stream components
  • Oxy­gen and load-con­trol­led auto­ma­tic char­ging and com­bus­ti­on via dyna­mic PLC con­trol system
  • PLC con­trol with clear visua­li­sa­ti­on and the opti­on of remo­te moni­to­ring and manu­fac­tu­rer support
  • Water-coo­led, rota­ting com­bus­ti­on zone with divi­ded ven­ti­la­ti­on zones for sup­p­ly­ing fuels with com­bus­ti­on air
  • Ener­ge­tic use of a wide varie­ty of biomasses
  • Slag-free com­bus­ti­on of the most dif­fi­cult fuels
  • Very low CO con­tent in the flue gas pre­vents caking in the heat exchanger
  • Almost stoi­chio­me­tric com­bus­ti­on in inno­va­ti­ve rota­ry kiln
  • High effi­ci­en­cy due to con­stant mate­ri­al circulation
  • Auto­ma­tic ignition
  • Auto­ma­tic ash removal

Rota­ry kilns at a glance:

  • Modu­lar design and con­tai­ner solu­ti­on offer fle­xi­bi­li­ty in terms of location
  • Fle­xi­ble PLC con­trol for regu­la­ting the boi­ler and inte­gra­ting upstream and down­stream components
  • Oxy­gen and load-con­trol­led auto­ma­tic char­ging and com­bus­ti­on via dyna­mic PLC con­trol system
  • PLC con­trol with clear visua­li­sa­ti­on and the opti­on of remo­te moni­to­ring and manu­fac­tu­rer support
  • Water-coo­led, rota­ting com­bus­ti­on zone with divided
  • ven­ti­la­ti­on zones for sup­p­ly­ing fuels with com­bus­ti­on air
  • Ener­ge­tic use of a wide varie­ty of biomasses
  • Slag-free com­bus­ti­on of the most dif­fi­cult fuels
  • Very low CO con­tent in the flue gas pre­vents caking in the heat exchanger
  • Almost stoi­chio­me­tric com­bus­ti­on in inno­va­ti­ve rota­ry kiln
  • High effi­ci­en­cy due to con­stant mate­ri­al circulation
  • Auto­ma­tic ignition
  • Auto­ma­tic ash removal
  • Rated heat out­put: 500 — 5.000 kW
  • Par­ti­al load: 150 — 1.500 kW
  • Appr­oval accor­ding to 4th + 17th BlmSchV possible
  • Per­mis­si­ble water tem­pe­ra­tu­re: 105 °C
  • Per­mis­si­ble Ther­mal oil tem­pe­ra­tu­re: 400 °C

The user-fri­end­ly, self-clea­ning and ful­ly auto­ma­tic com­bus­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy has an inno­va­ti­ve, water-coo­led rota­ry tube tech­no­lo­gy with a num­ber of advantages:

  • Sui­ta­ble for fuels with low ash mel­ting point and high ash content
  • Com­bus­ti­on extends over the enti­re length of the rota­ting tube with a tur­bu­lent fla­me vortex
  • All boi­ler com­pon­ents expo­sed to wear and/or high heat loads are lined with refrac­to­ry and wear-resistant concrete
  • In an insu­la­ted post-com­bus­ti­on cham­ber, the flue gases are com­ple­te­ly burnt out befo­re they enter the heat exchanger
  • Emis­si­on values accor­ding to the 4th and 17th BImSchV, depen­ding on the fuel, are signi­fi­cant­ly undercut.
  • The pow­dery ash is low in car­bon and free of slag; the nut­ri­ent salts it con­ta­ins are available to plants and can be used as fer­ti­li­ser Pos­si­ble forms of ener­gy are
  • hot water, steam and/or ther­mal oil

Examp­les of decen­tra­li­sed ener­gy concepts

  • Digesta­te dry­ing and inci­ne­ra­ti­on for nut­ri­ent con­cen­tra­ti­on and mass reduction
  • Chi­cken manu­re uti­li­sa­ti­on for heat gene­ra­ti­on for sta­bles and properties
  • Steam gene­ra­ti­on or ther­mal oil for indus­tri­al and dry­ing plants by using indus­tri­al by-products
  • Sewa­ge sludge dry­ing and incineration

This com­bus­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy can use the fol­lo­wing bio­fuels, for exam­p­le, for ener­gy with a high degree of effi­ci­en­cy and low emissions:

  • Land­scape main­ten­an­ce mate­ri­al, scree­ning of wood­chips, roadsi­de greenery
  • Straw, cof­fee sub­sti­tu­te, seed clip­pings, nut shells, cher­ry pits, coffee/cocoa residues
  • Digesta­te from bio­gas plants, lea­ves, hor­se manu­re, chi­cken manure


Assem­bly & Commissioning‎

An inte­gral part of the lar­ge work­shop team are expe­ri­en­ced and skil­led employees who car­ry out the assem­bly of pro­ducts manu­fac­tu­red by us as well as third-par­ty pro­ducts. We put ever­y­thing tog­e­ther that belongs together.

Repair & Maintenance‎

We offer our cus­to­mers world­wi­de fast main­ten­an­ce and repair when requi­red. As an expe­ri­en­ced com­pa­ny with tech­ni­cal­ly skil­led employees, we sol­ve pro­blems relia­bly, com­pe­tent­ly and at fair mar­ket prices.

Cont­act persons

Nils Moggert

Nils Mog­gert

Sales Envi­ron­men­tal Technology

+49 (0) 5921 / 8076 — 32

Alfred Mogert

Alfred Mogert


+49 (0) 5921 / 8076 — 0