Con­vey­or Sys­tem Technology

For all con­vey­or tech­no­lo­gy pro­duct solu­ti­ons, we focus on safe­ty, ope­ra­bi­li­ty and dura­bi­li­ty. We help you get things moving.

Indi­vi­du­al con­vey­ing and bulk mate­ri­al technology

Tail­or-made sup­port con­cepts are crea­ted at Werk­stät­ten GmbH in clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with our cus­to­mers. In the same way that we think during the plan­ning pro­cess, we also act the same during the imple­men­ta­ti­on: quick­ly, con­sci­en­tious­ly and goal-ori­en­ted. We imple­ment the right solu­ti­ons based on the requi­re­ments of the con­vey­ed medi­um, the trans­port rou­tes, the neces­sa­ry func­tions and the spe­cial fea­tures of the object. No detail goes unno­ti­ced, no mat­ter how small it may seem at first glan­ce. We pre­fer to check one time too many than one too few and regard every pro­ject as a chan­ce to pro­ve our­sel­ves personally.

Made to mea­su­re solutions

Con­vey­or sys­tems manu­fac­tu­red by us enable the gent­le trans­port of bulk mate­ri­als such as dust, gra­nu­la­te, pow­der and sludge in any desi­red direc­tion — whe­ther ver­ti­cal­ly, per­pen­di­cu­lar or on incli­nes. More ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, grea­ter safe­ty and less time was­ted are just some of the dif­fe­rent issues that cus­to­mers turn to us with. Our ans­wer is always an inno­va­ti­ve, tail­or-made sys­tem that fits exact­ly. From low-bud­get to high-end, we imple­ment cus­to­mi­sed sys­tem solu­ti­ons in the field of con­vey­or tech­no­lo­gy in a tar­ge­ted man­ner. That’s our goal.

Made to mea­su­re solutions

Con­vey­or sys­tems manu­fac­tu­red by us enable the gent­le trans­port of bulk mate­ri­als such as dust, gra­nu­la­te, pow­der and sludge in any desi­red direc­tion — whe­ther ver­ti­cal­ly, per­pen­di­cu­lar or on incli­nes. More ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, grea­ter safe­ty and less time was­ted are just some of the dif­fe­rent issues that cus­to­mers turn to us with. Our ans­wer is always an inno­va­ti­ve, tail­or-made sys­tem that fits exact­ly. From low-bud­get to high-end, we imple­ment cus­to­mi­sed sys­tem solu­ti­ons in the field of con­vey­or tech­no­lo­gy in a tar­ge­ted man­ner. That’s our goal.

Cus­to­mi­sed pro­duc­tion – Made in Germany.
We draw on exper­ti­se that has grown over deca­des. Sta­te-of-the-art deve­lo­p­ment, pro­duc­tion and test­ing faci­li­ties are available.

Cus­to­mi­sed pro­duc­tion – Made in Germany.
We draw on exper­ti­se that has grown over deca­des. Sta­te-of-the-art deve­lo­p­ment, pro­duc­tion and test­ing faci­li­ties are available.

Our pro­duct range

Trans­port-mecha­ni­cal conveying
  • Trough screws
  • Tubu­lar screws, tubu­lar screw conveyors
  • Twin screws
  • Ver­ti­cal conveyor
  • Ele­va­tors / bucket elevators
  • Belt con­vey­or
Pro­cess screws
  • Meter­ing screws
  • Fine dosing screws
  • Weig­hing screws
  • Mixing screws
  • Dam­ping screws
  • Dou­ble-shaft mixers
  • Coo­ling screws with coo­ling jacket and com­ple­te inter­nal coo­ling of the screw shaft and screw flights
  • Hea­ting screws with hea­ting jacket and com­ple­te inter­nal hea­ting of the screw shaft and screw flights
Fil­ling / emptying
  • Big-Bag fil­ling stations
  • Big-Bag emp­ty­ing stations
  • Rota­ry valves
  • Flat slide valves
  • Inter­ch­an­geable flaps
  • Solid bla­de screws, belt screws, padd­le screws, spi­ral conveyors
  • Food-gra­de
  • Dust-tight, gas-tight, pressure-tight
  • ATEX-com­pli­ant pres­su­re shock resistant design
  • Varia­ble dia­me­ters, lengths and deli­very rates
  • Hori­zon­tal or ascen­ding arrangement
  • Spe­cial materials
  • Wear resistant design
  • Mul­ti­ple inlets and outlets
  • Insu­la­ti­on
  • Mova­ble
  • Tem­pe­ra­ble versions
  • Full detec­tor
  • Cent­re bearing
  • Safe­ty switch
  • Speed moni­tor
  • Clea­ning and inspec­tion openings
  • Shaft seal­ing: Stuf­fing box, mecha­ni­cal seal
  • Gear types: Spur gears, par­al­lel shaft gears and bevel gears
  • Dri­ve types: Direct dri­ve, chain dri­ve and clutch drive
  • Flan­ge or pedes­tal bearing
  • Hard­fa­cing
  • Replaceable wear pro­tec­tion for the screw trough seg­ment by segment
  • CIP clea­ning
  • Mate­ri­al slide val­ve — gate valve
  • Replaceable per­fo­ra­ted sieve

Your advan­ta­ges at a glance

  • Exten­si­ve equip­ment options
  • Low sus­cep­ti­bi­li­ty to interference
  • Long life­span
  • Low noi­se level
  • High ener­gy efficiency
  • Quick avai­la­bi­li­ty of spa­re parts
  • Quick and easy assembly
  • Main­ten­an­ce fri­end­ly construction
  • Wide appli­ca­ti­on range
  • Available in a wide ran­ge of materials

Our pro­ducts are used in the fol­lo­wing industries:

  • Food indus­try
  • Starch indus­try
  • Che­mi­cal industry
  • Sewa­ge tre­at­ment plants / sludge dewatering
  • Oil indus­try
  • Con­cre­te industry

and many other indus­tries and com­pa­nies whe­re the hand­ling of bulk mate­ri­al plays an important role


Assem­bly & Commissioning

An inte­gral part of the lar­ge work­shop team are expe­ri­en­ced and skil­led employees who car­ry out the assem­bly of pro­ducts manu­fac­tu­red by us as well as third-par­ty pro­ducts. We put ever­y­thing tog­e­ther that belongs together.

Repair & Maintenance

We offer our cus­to­mers world­wi­de fast main­ten­an­ce and repair when requi­red. As an expe­ri­en­ced com­pa­ny with tech­ni­cal­ly skil­led employees, we sol­ve pro­blems relia­bly, com­pe­tent­ly and at fair mar­ket prices.


Examp­les from our pro­duct portfolio‎

Screw con­vey­ors

Pre­cise trans­port, exact dosing and easy ope­ra­ti­on. We deve­lop low-main­ten­an­ce screw con­vey­ors pre­cis­e­ly matched to respec­ti­ve pro­duct pro­per­ties, working con­di­ti­ons and tasks.

Trough screw con­vey­or: For trans­port on slo­pes of up to 30 degrees.

Tubu­lar screw con­vey­or: For trans­port on slo­pes of more than 30 degrees.

Your advan­ta­ges at a glance
  • Con­vey­ing of pow­der, granules,
  • Dust, sludge and pro­ble­ma­tic goods
  • Shaft geo­me­try adapt­ed to bulk material
  • Can be abso­lut­e­ly dust­pro­of, shock­pro­of and gas-tight
  • Modu­lar design
  • Extre­me­ly fle­xi­ble and sui­ta­ble for rever­sing the direc­tion of dri­ve rotation

Ver­ti­cal conveyors

The­se tra­vel stee­p­ly upwards. Our dust-tight ver­ti­cal con­vey­ors relia­bly ensu­re the ver­ti­cal trans­port of bulk mate­ri­al. They can be used for many pur­po­ses and dif­fe­rent pro­ducts, requi­re mini­mal space and can be inte­gra­ted into exis­ting sys­tems. We sup­p­ly cus­to­mi­sed solu­ti­ons, also in food-safe versions.

Your advan­ta­ges at a glance
  • High capa­ci­ty
  • Low space requirement
  • Can over­co­me lar­ge dif­fe­ren­ces in height
  • Can be inte­gra­ted into exis­ting systems
  • Dust-tight
  • Bea­ring out­side the con­vey­ed material
  • Design of the inlet and out­let ope­ning in all directions
  • Low height loss for input and out­put unit
  • Inspec­tion flaps / clea­ning flaps
  • ATEX-com­pli­ant ver­si­on (optio­nal)
  • Food-safe ver­si­on (optio­nal)


For tho­se who want to aim high! Ele­va­tors or belt bucket ele­va­tors are con­ti­nuous con­vey­ors for ver­ti­cal, dust-free con­vey­ing of bulk mate­ri­als. We manu­fac­tu­re cus­to­mi­sed ele­va­tors as ver­sa­ti­le and eco­no­mic­al means of trans­port for con­ti­nuous con­vey­ing. The latest safe­ty com­pon­ents con­tri­bu­te to dura­bi­li­ty, offe­ring the per­fect solu­ti­on, also available as a food-safe design.

Your advan­ta­ges at a glance
  • Equip­ped with the latest safe­ty com­pon­ents (speed moni­tor, mis­a­lignment sen­sors, back­stop and full detectors)
  • Sui­ta­ble as a spe­cial design for poten­ti­al­ly explo­si­ve areas

Cent­re bea­ring units

We sup­p­ly split cent­re bea­ring units with fle­xi­ble lamel­la cou­pling in stain­less steel design, which we have espe­ci­al­ly deve­lo­ped. The mul­ti-pla­te cou­pling com­pen­sa­tes for mis­a­lignments and mini­mi­ses trun­ni­on and bea­ring loads. The cent­re bea­ring unit is adapt­ed to the size of the desi­red screw tube. Inte­gra­ti­on into exis­ting screw con­vey­ors is possible.

Your advan­ta­ges at a glance
  • Stain­less steel split bea­ring housing
  • Split rol­ler bearings
  • Cas­ca­de arran­ge­ment of the screw con­vey­ors is not necessary
  • Can be inte­gra­ted into exis­ting screw conveyors
  • Easy to assem­ble and maintain
  • Mul­ti-pla­te clutch
  • Mini­mum bea­ring and trun­ni­on load
  • Com­pen­sa­ti­on of misalignments
  • Air seal connection
  • Bea­ring unit incl. moun­ting thread with connections
  • Food safe design
  • Seve­ral seal­ing opti­ons: Felt seal, laby­rinth seal, shaft seal ring, spe­cial food-safe seal
  • Per­ma­nent lubri­ca­ti­on possible
  • Screw pipe con­nec­tion accor­ding to cus­to­mer specification
  • Tem­pe­ra­tu­re sen­sor as spe­cial design

Cont­act Person

Andreas Hubelitz

Andre­as Hubelitz

Sales Plant Construction

+49 (0) 5921 / 8076 — 84