“Our com­pa­ny is foun­ded on the con­nec­tion bet­ween tra­di­ti­on and modern busi­ness management.”

Dipl. Ing. Alfred Mog­gert, CEO

“Our com­pa­ny is foun­ded on the con­nec­tion bet­ween tra­di­ti­on and modern busi­ness management.”

Dipl. Ing. Alfred Mog­gert, CEO

Cor­po­ra­te philosophy

“After more than five deca­des, we can honest­ly say that we know what we are doing!”

Werk­stät­ten GmbH has spe­cia­li­sed in pro­ces­sing stain­less steel sin­ce 1965. A com­bi­na­ti­on of expe­ri­ence, exper­ti­se and inno­va­ti­ve thin­king enables us to gua­ran­tee con­sis­tent qua­li­ty in plant and appa­ra­tus engi­nee­ring. We are an aspi­ra­tio­nal com­pa­ny that values each and every pro­ject as much as our cli­ents do.

We have gai­ned expe­ri­ence from deca­des of coope­ra­ti­on with a wide ran­ge of indus­tries, which today flows into our broad ran­ge of stain­less steel ser­vices. We offer a high degree of fle­xi­bi­li­ty and deve­lop indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­ons that meet our cus­to­mers’ requi­re­ments down to the last detail.

As a part­ner who lis­tens, thinks and shapes, we faci­li­ta­te a very uncom­pli­ca­ted exch­an­ge of ide­as and expec­ta­ti­ons. We take on the chal­lenges of indi­vi­du­al indus­tries and effi­ci­ent­ly hand­le each pro­ject. We always gua­ran­tee first-class results via qua­li­ty checks from inco­ming mate­ri­als to pro­ces­sing and final inspection.


Our expe­ri­en­ced, long-stan­ding employees are the foun­da­ti­on of our per­for­mance. In order to pre­ser­ve and expand this foun­da­ti­on, we rely on respectful and app­re­cia­ti­ve inter­ac­tion. We regard the per­so­nal opi­ni­ons and views of the peo­p­le who are com­mit­ted to Werk­stät­ten GmbH in both a per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal con­text, as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve. We reso­lut­e­ly oppo­se any form of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on. Per­for­mance-rela­ted pay and a fami­ly atmo­sphe­re help to crea­te a sup­port­i­ve envi­ron­ment in which ever­yo­ne, from trai­nees to skil­led workers, feels at home. Regio­nal­ly roo­ted in Graf­schaft Bent­heim, we sup­port various social and cul­tu­ral pro­jects. We are awa­re of our social respon­si­bi­li­ty as a com­pa­ny. This also includes the careful use of our resour­ces and our environment.

Our Team

“Our employees make Werk­stät­ten GmbH what it is!”

By taking into account and pro­mo­ting the strengths of each indi­vi­du­al in the best pos­si­ble way, all mem­bers of the work­shop team are able to make a posi­ti­ve con­tri­bu­ti­on to the deve­lo­p­ment of our com­pa­ny. Free­dom to make decis­i­ons and dele­ga­ti­on of respon­si­bi­li­ty are the basic pre­re­qui­si­tes for this. Our orga­ni­sa­tio­nal struc­tures are cor­re­spon­din­gly lean and fle­xi­ble. Hier­ar­chy levels exist only whe­re they are requi­red.
Our employees work in teams with wide-ran­ging decis­i­on-making powers. The­se short inter­nal chan­nels mean that our cus­to­mers do not have to put any­thing on the “back bur­ner”. Regu­lar trai­ning in a wide ran­ge of are­as fur­ther increa­ses the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and moti­va­ti­on of our employees. For our cus­to­mers this means:

Qua­li­ty at the hig­hest level for all ser­vices pro­vi­ded in our company.

Jobs & Careers

Values such as safe­ty, fair­ness, coope­ra­ti­on and inno­va­ti­on are put into prac­ti­ce at our com­pa­ny. We look to the future, which we want to con­scious­ly help shape, and we have strong back­ing from our long-stan­ding tra­di­ti­on. We invi­te you to grow with us and deve­lop per­so­nal­ly as part of our strong team. Per­for­mance-rela­ted pay and the best social bene­fits are stan­dard. You will also bene­fit from addi­tio­nal perks, such as our com­pa­ny fit­ness sche­me, which helps to pro­mo­te the health and well-being of our employees.

Cur­rent vacan­ci­es can be found on the Werk­stät­ten Group website.
Of cour­se, spe­cu­la­ti­ve appli­ca­ti­ons are also always wel­co­me from late­ral entrants.


We car­ry out training

Trai­ning in a future-ori­en­ted com­pa­ny like Werk­stät­ten GmbH offers young peo­p­le a host of advan­ta­ges. We enable trai­nees to dis­co­ver their own strengths, bene­fit from the vast expe­ri­ence of our pro­fes­sio­nals and deve­lop in an open, posi­ti­ve envi­ron­ment. The fact that many app­ren­ti­ces stay in our com­pa­nies and build a future within the Werk­stät­ten Group makes us proud and con­firms our com­mit­ment to con­ti­nuing to sup­port young peo­p­le in the best pos­si­ble way.


  • Indus­tri­al mecha­nic (m/f)
  • Cut­ting machi­ne ope­ra­tor (m/f)
  • Tech­ni­cal pro­duct desi­gner (m/f)
  • Indus­tri­al clerk (m/f)

You can find more infor­ma­ti­on about trai­ning on the Werk­stät­ten Group website