Sludge dewa­te­ring

Redu­cing cos­ts and pro­mo­ting alter­na­ti­ve ener­gy gene­ra­ti­on are goals that we cle­ar­ly for­mu­la­te. Sludge dewa­te­ring opens up opportunities.

Pro­fes­sio­nal sludge dewatering

Sludge dis­po­sal has a signi­fi­cant cost fac­tor. In order to redu­ce the rising trans­port, dis­po­sal and dry­ing cos­ts from muni­ci­pal and indus­tri­al was­te­wa­ter tre­at­ment and to faci­li­ta­te alter­na­ti­ve ener­gy pro­duc­tion, sludge should be dewa­te­red befo­re fur­ther tre­at­ment or recy­cling. Using a mobi­le cen­tri­fu­ge sys­tem from Werk­stät­ten GmbH, the volu­me of sludge pro­du­ced can be redu­ced by up to 85%. The high-per­for­mance decan­ters we use can be used both as mobi­le units and sta­tio­na­ry. Thanks to the com­pact design, the ful­ly equip­ped units are rea­dy for ope­ra­ti­on in a very short time after con­nec­tion to the sludge, water and power supply.

Your advan­ta­ges

• Com­ple­te solu­ti­on, inclu­ding modi­fied auto­mo­ti­ve engi­nee­ring, from a sin­gle source
• Matu­re tech­no­lo­gy through years of expe­ri­ence
• Dif­fe­rent plant opti­ons
• Use of pro­ven indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents
• Stain­less steel piping ver­si­on
• Screws made of stain­less steel in pro­ven and robust con­s­truc­tion with ful­ly wel­ded gears and bea­rings on both sides to mini­mi­se wear and tear
• Spa­cious and user-fri­end­ly lay­out of the unit
• Low space requi­re­ment of the sys­tem during ope­ra­ti­on
• Free choice of decan­ter by the cus­to­mer
• Low set-up cos­ts and quick chan­ge of loca­ti­on due to com­pact design
• Adapt­a­ti­on of the through­put capa­ci­ty to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments (up to approx. 150 m³/h)

Pro­cess sequence of a decan­ter centrifuge

The sludge, homo­ge­nis­ed in advan­ce if pos­si­ble, is fed to the decan­ter via an upstream mace­ra­tor to pro­tect the plant with the help of the built-in sludge pump. A poly­mer solu­ti­on is intro­du­ced into this pro­duct stream — depen­ding on the quan­ti­ty and natu­re of the sludge — to pro­mo­te the floc­cu­la­ti­on of sus­pen­ded mat­ter and thus faci­li­ta­te the sub­se­quent pha­se sepa­ra­ti­on in the decan­ter. In the decan­ter, cen­tri­fu­gal forces are car­ri­ed out to sepa­ra­te the solid and liquid pha­ses. Water (cen­tra­te) and solids lea­ve the machi­ne via sepa­ra­te rou­tes. The cen­tra­te drains off via the out­let pipes and can be retur­ned to the cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on pro­cess. The solid mat­ter (cen­tri­fu­ga­te) is con­vey­ed out of the machi­ne by a screw loca­ted in the cen­tri­fu­ge drum. If desi­red, lime can be added to the cen­tri­fu­ga­te in the mixing screw and then dischar­ged by means of a screw con­vey­or. This dewa­te­red sludge with a dry mat­ter con­tent of 25 to 30 % can be loa­ded for fur­ther uti­li­sa­ti­on as bulk mate­ri­al. In addi­ti­on to the sludge, the purest pos­si­ble ser­vice water and elec­tri­cal ener­gy are requi­red to ope­ra­te the plants, which can be gene­ra­ted by a mobi­le unit if neces­sa­ry. This makes it pos­si­ble to use it in almost any place imaginable.

Cont­act persons

Alfred Moggert

Alfred Mog­gert


+49 (0) 5921 / 8076 — 0

Holger Wolf

Hol­ger Wolf

Work­shop Management

+49 (0) 5921 / 8076 — 52